Home Educators Always Ready to Serve


Crossville HEARTS?

Host Church

Our main form of communication is our Facebook group!

 find us on Facebook at



              OR ​EMAIL FOR DETAILS:

Participating in hearts 

Oak Hill Baptist Church has graciously taken us in as part of their ministry. 

Service Times: 

Sunday   9am Sunday School

              10am Worship Service

              6pm Bible Study

             *Sunday Bible Study suspended for winter months

Wednesday 6pm Bible Study for all ages


Details concerning Spring and Fall Semesters of Friday Co-Op Program, including LINK to apply for Membership, are posted on the "Co-Op Class Schedule" tab above.  Other fellowship and field trip opportunities are also posted regularly to the "Upcoming Events" tab above  - check back often! 

We are a non-denominational Christian homeschool ministry that meets for a Spring and Fall semester enrichment co-op program for all school ages on designated Fridays in Crossville, Tennessee. Friday Co-op classes do require membership acceptance.

We also offer opportunities for field trips and various group gatherings for fellowship. most of these opportunities do not require membership.

Leadership Team: 

Carol Erickson

Starla Hale

Taylor Holloway

Brandie Hargis

with a great team of volunteer support!



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