Home Educators Always Ready to Serve


December 8, 2024 2:30pm: Cumberland County Playhouse- WHITE CHRISTMAS

* Cost $11.00 per person

* Must be at the Playhouse by 2:00pm

* Signup at any HEARTS events, comment in BAND, or private message Carol Erickson.  Limited tickets available, tickets must be paid for in advance.

January 17, 2025:  First Day Spring Co-Op Classes

** see the "CO-OP CLASS SCHEDULE" Tab Above, for more information

April 8th, 2025  6:00pm:  HEARTS Family Dance

* More information to come!

April 11th, 2025  6:00pm:  HEARTS Prom

* More information to come!

May 19th, 2025: HEARTS Graduation

* More information to come!


Note:  While Friday semester co-op sessions DO require membership acceptance, most of our other group activities do not require membership and are open to all.  Unless otherwise stated, the below activities are open to all...